Excerpt 1 of 4. "Telein" by Sarah Weaver from "Inspiraling: Telematic Jazz Explorations" Concert. Sunday June 13, 2010.
San Diego Performers: Hafez Modirzadeh, saxophone, Michael Dessen, trombone, Alex Cline, percussion, Mark Dresser, contrabass
New York Performers: Amir ElSaffar, trumpet, Oliver Lake, saxophone, Min Xiao-Fen, pipa, Gerry Hemingway, percussion, Sarah Weaver, conductor
Telein by Sarah Weaver
As We Know It by Oliver Lake
OilEye by Gerry Hemingway
Tele Whorl by Mark Dresser
An unprecedented concert of new jazz works with renowned composers and performers for the telematic music medium. Telematic music is real-time performance via the internet by musicians in different geographic locations. Performers were located in New York and San Diego, playing together as one trans-continental ensemble in real-time and "real-space". There were local audiences as well as a world-wide webcast.
Presented by:
Calit2 and Center for Research and Computing in the Arts (CRCA), University of California San Diego. Special thanks to the Dean of Arts and Humanities and the Fund for Innovation for supporting this project.
Music Technology Program, Steinhardt School, New York University. Dr. Robert Rowe, Vice-Chair, Director of Music Composition, Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions.
Roulette Intermedia, Inc. James Staley, Director.
Website: http://www.roulette.org/events/event.php/INSPIRALING2010